The Ontario Beekeepers Association has received $244,000 in funding for a project aimed in part at improving the bee breeders program in the province.
Les Eccles, lead specialist with the association’s technology transfer program, says the funding comes from the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Council. The total project cost is more than 300,000. The association is providing the balance of the money through an in-kind contribution.
Funding for the project is completed in September 2013. But Eccles says the project will continue beyond that because there are always improvements that can be done in agricultural research.
The project includes virus testing to find resistance to bee viruses. “That’s the new frontier of bee research as far as diseases go,” he explains.
They’ll also be doing research on fertility testing on queen bees to improve their longevity. This part of the project will involve working with the Queen Breeders Association to improve their breeding program in general. “We’ll give them a better guide on what to follow and how to use the information they have better.”
Researchers will produce a manual for breeders as part of the project. More
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